Nathan AylestockSupreme Heroes is a point-based Trading Card Game powered by Orbs for Ability usage inspired by the likes of the Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh crazes of the early 2000s.
1) At Level 1, beat and recruit a Hero to Level Up. If you're beaten, you join your victor's Party at full health. At Level 2, recruit or join the remaining Heroes to Level Up and become the Elect Few!
2) At Level 3, the five of you must use your abilities to defeat an onslaught of diverse Bosses that have spawned from dark experiments, corrupt tech, the underworld, and enemy nations, and save the world!
Beat your first of eleven Bosses to Level Up. At Level 4, beat your second Boss to get to the Max Level of 5.
3) Party leaders and/or Cytro decide when to Summon Select Few Heroes, who will provide a one-time aid in your desperate time of need. Choose carefully as a summon consumes a turn. Once you have beaten the final opponents of the game, congrats! You have become Supreme Heroes! (or a Supreme Villain)!
Supreme Heroes Playing Cards (Bosses Only)
Supreme Heroes Playing Cards (SILVER Heroes Only)
Supreme Heroes Playing Cards (Select Few Legendary Summons)
Supreme Heroes Playing Cards (GOLD Heroes Only)
Supreme Heroes Playing Cards (Items + Orbs)
Supreme Heroes Playing Cards (RUBY Heroes Only)
Supreme Heroes Playing Cards (AMETHYST Heroes Only)
Supreme Heroes Playing Cards (SAPPHIRE Heroes Only)