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Just A Little Witchy Shop Space

Rose | Just A Little Witchy

Rose tries to infuse every deck she designs with whimsy and charm. She combines a playful spirit and a love of vibrant colors with a passion for all things cute and witchy. Just A Little Witchy is home to indie-published tarot and oracle decks for those who want to get (you guessed it) just a little witchy. Whether you're looking for your very own Pastel Rider-Waite Smith Tarot Deck or want to hang out with the Cute Rainbow Sloth Tarot Deck, we've got you covered. **Want to find out more about Rose? She's always hanging around her site at JustALittleWitchy.boo (seriously, that's the domain! Pretty cool, huh?) -- so come and say hello.**

Playing Cards

Pastel Rider-Waite Smith Tarot Card Deck

Playing Cards

Cute Rainbow Sloth Tarot Card Deck - w/ Gilded Edges

Playing Cards

Cute Rainbow Sloth Tarot Card Deck - w/ Plain Edges