Leon-DesignI am a graphic designer and in my spare time I have fun creating artwork (see examples at my site Leon-Design(.)net).
The MPC platform is ideal to create quality cards that would make the perfect gift for anyone looking for something that stands out from the conventional.
My humble A5 sketchbook is a treasured possession where sparks of ideas are captured on the spot to later develop into bigger projects such as a poker deck.
I hope you have as much fun with these playing cards as I did designing them!

CLASSIC Smooth Card s30 (Plastic Box)

URBAN TRIBES Plastic p10 (Plastic Box)

URBAN TRIBES - Smooth Card s30 (Plastic Box)

CLASSIC Plastic p10 (Plastic Box)

GIBRALTAR Plastic p10 (Plastic Box)

GIBRALTAR Smooth Card s30 (Plastic Box)

TIKI RED Plastic p10 (Plastic Box)

CLASSIC Smooth Card s30 (Shrink-wrapped)

TIKI BLUE Plastic p10 (Plastic Box)

TIKI BLUE Smooth Card s30 (Plastic Box)

URBAN TRIBES Plastic p10 (Shrink-wrapped)

TIKI RED Smooth Card s30 (Shrink-wrapped)

TIKI BLUE Plastic p10 (Shrink-wrapped)

TIKI RED Smooth Card s30 (Plastic Box)

TIKI BLUE Smooth Card s30 (Shrink-wrapped)

TIKI RED Plastic p10 (Shrink-wrapped)

URBAN TRIBES Smooth Card s30 (Shrink-wrapped)

GIBRALTAR Card Smooth s30 (Shrink-wrapped)

CLASSIC Plastic p10 (Shrink-wrapped)

GIBRALTAR Plastic p10 (Shrink-wrapped)