Cwtch TarotCwtch Tarot as seen on my youtube channel
Offering personally created decks. Inspired by channeled messages, self empowerment and deep healing.
With ranges for divine counterparts, soul mates and twin flames. As well as decks created to affirm positive energies and personal development.
Offering great decks for personal use, divination for others and as gifts.
I also offer personal Tarot and Oracle readings.
YFollow me on Youtube, FB, Insta, Tiktok
Love and blessings beautiful souls
J x
Sensual Messages
Playing card Tarot
What is next in love Oracle
Circle of love Oracle deck
It's all about timing deck
divine counterpart deck 1
Love Messages Divine
Twin flame Love Messages
I love you because deck
Traits n personality oracle (TAROT SIZE)
Words unspoken (Tarot Size)Oracle Deck
Personality types & Traits 80 card Tarot size Oracle
Sweet notes from heaven oracle & tarot deck
Twin flame journey messages
Light & Shade Twin flame Oracle
Animal Guidance Deck
Self Empowerment With Love
Cwtch Tarot Oracle Deck
Affirmation Oracle
Love Divine Oracle