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spiritanimal Shop Space

Maya Mey Aroyo

My name is Maya mey. I got my first tarot deck when I was 12 years old. I was in love with that deck. 19 years and many other decks later, I am still very much in love with my Rider-White, but there was something in me that was searching. I was getting more and more connected to spirit animal mantras, mostly as a way of coping with chronic pain, and I really wanted to find a nice spirit animal tarot deck that would help me with this journey. My search of such a deck failed. So, I sat myself down and did what I do best- meditate and shut the world out. I reached out to old memories and dreams, places I have been, things I have seen, and somehow I knew... I knew what my deck looks like. All that was needed was to create it.

Playing Cards

my spirit animal deck