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Quotos By Mel Shop Space

Mel Pross

Quotos(TM) by Mel Pross - a combination of nature photography and quotes to create a unique inspirational message. A period of deep healing led Mel Pross to countless personal revelations and creative outpourings, including intuitive art, nature photography, philosophical writings and poetry. These all form part of her Project, called 'EnRich mind body & spirit', or 'EnRichmbs'. Mel Pross now brings together a selection of her photography with some of her quotes to create unique inspirational messages, which she has named 'Quotos' - which are now available to purchase as a beautiful deck of cards. These card decks are useful tools for daily inspirational messages, intuitive readings and for meditation. You can now follow her pick-a-card readings on You Tube, and also find more about EnRichmbs and her story on Facebook - 'Mel Pross, Enrichmbs'.

Playing Cards

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