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Peacemaker's Tarot Shop Space

Ann Keeler Evans

Welcome. I'm delighted to have you join me on this journey with Peacemaker's Tarot. I feel strongly that Nonviolence and Peace are necessary and that artists, activists, and everyday folk - and Tarot readers - can be part of making the world more peaceful and more just. Tarot gives us tools to implement our decisions. If you're interested in Tarot, treat it reverently and not as if its a parlor trick. You might have fun with the latter approach, but you will open your ways of thinking if you take the former approach. Tarot is an invitation to learn. Even before you start laying out Spreads, you might want to spend some time exploring why you are called to Peacemaking and exactly what that means for you. Your reasons and your commitment will evolve throughout your life. I believe Peacemaking is a life-long commitment to creative and loving nonviolence. These cards are designed to help you find your own Peace-path and the associates with whom you'd like to work.

Playing Cards
