Marilynn MelissaIm a spiritual lightworker and tarot reader who hopes to help souls accend and find their true purpose; To guide them on connecting with their devine spirit as well as guiding souls through the Twin Flame Journey. Many of the messages and hidden feelings within my decks come from my own personal experience. I hope you enjoy and find guidance within these cards Ive created. Much love and light <3
P.S Im currently working on creating a youtube channel: Virgo Goddess Tarot

Twin Flame/Soulmate Burdens: Karmic Edition

Wicked Karmic Confessions Oracle

Twin Flame Secrets Oracle

Light and Darkness Oracle

Twin Flame Secrets Volume 2

Twin Flame Secrets Volume 2: Gold Edge

Twin Flame/Soulmate Burdens Oracle; Karmic Edition (Silver Edge Edition)

Light and Darkness Oracle; Silver Edge Edition

The Darkness Within: Unawakened Counterparts (Regular Edition)

Twin Flame Secrets Oracle: Silver Edge Edition

Divine Guidance Oracle (original)

Divine Guidance Oracle; Silver Edge Edition

The Darkness Within: Unawakened Counterparts (Silver Edge)