Over 40 Years in the Games Printing Industry. No minimum order!

Jack of Clubs Shop Space

Bruno Azevedo

Much time was spent to make some ideas come true; to make decks of fully customized cards so you can look at them and enjoy them; and to make these decks suitable for playing, for magic tricks, for cardistry, and for being a personal accessory as well. The design of the cards in these decks will seem familiar to those with whom we are accustomed but much more modern and attractive. MPC provides tools that I consider appropriate to make our projects in quality decks, to be more durable and better handling than the ordinary ones. For more information about a specific deck, check out the description for that product.

Playing Cards


Playing Cards

UNITY Playing Cards: Red Back

Playing Cards

UNITY Playing Cards: Black Back

Playing Cards

UNITY Poker Playing Cards: Black Back

Playing Cards

UNITY Golden Line: Blue Back

Playing Cards

UNITY Playing Cards: Blue Back

Playing Cards

UNITY Golden Line: Back Black

Playing Cards

UNITY Golden Line: Red Black