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The Game of E - 5-Suited Tarot Shop Space


We sell MysterE's Magical Game of E, Much like those forced from their mystery schools in ancient times, who condensed their wisdom on cards for voyaging, MysterE has done something similar in creating The Game of E. Two MysterE schools, 9 published books, spiritual practices, art and wisdom compiled into one card game, with 5-suits. Yes, you read that correctly - 5 suits. One of, if not the only deck of its kind on the planet. The name of the new suit, New Earth. The fifth suit reveals outcomes previously unimagined and presents the solution to our Impossible Problem: How is it on a planet that gives us everything, that we compete instead of cooperate, divide instead of unify, and suffer instead of thrive? The game is based on the structure of the ancient tarot, with evolved messages for the modern mystic and truth seeker with engaging images which impact the consciousness of the player. for more see Agent444

Playing Cards


Playing Cards

New Earth Tarot

Playing Cards


Playing Cards

BS New Earth Tarot

Playing Cards
