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Smooth Doubleb

Welcome Chosen One, we've been waiting for you. You are ready to awaken your mind, body, and soul. You will gain insight from higher realms with these tarot and oracle cards. These Tarot and Oracle cards are made specifically for you. You are ready to awaken your mind, body, and soul. Are you ready? You will enter the 5th-dimensional New Earth by using these cards. Don't believe me? Give them a try! I wanted to make these tarot and oracle cards to help you along your journey and path. I know being a black sheep and a rebel against the system, sometimes you could feel like you're all alone. That is far from the case! You are always protected, guided, and highly favored by the Divine. These cards will help you talk to your spiritual team and spirit army. Also, it will expose anyone or anything that no longer serves you. If you feel like someone has been messing with your energy, just pick a card. You will gain insight and clarity throughout this entire deck! Peace and Blessings

Playing Cards

EYE AM CHOSEN Oracle Deck Pt.1

Card accessories

Smooth Doubleb Tarot case

Card accessories

Smooth Doubleb Oracle case

Playing Cards

EYE AM CHOSEN Oracle Deck Pt.2