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"Game of Death" Card Game Shop Shop Space

Daniela Eichberger

111 question cards about the taboo topic of death! The "Game of Death" is a card game full of surprising and potentially life changing conversations. Prepare yourself more consciously for your own transitioning journey or the one of your loved ones when the time has come. Break the silence around the taboo subject of death and create new traditions for the different stages of the death & grieving process in your family & friends circles. Redefine death & look at it from a different perspective. Through the playful approach of this card game, there is the possibility for you and your fellow players to remove any fear of death should there be one. The game is designed to ask you questions that allow you to personalise your own transitioning journey when your time has come, making sure that your wishes are being honoured by your loved ones.

Playing Cards

Spiel mit dem Tod