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Cards Boutique Shop Space

Cards Boutique

"Cards Boutique" propone mazzi di carte da utilizzare per giochi introspettivi. - Tarocchi con arcani maggiori contemporanei - Carte meteforiche associative femminili - Carte meteforiche associative maschili - CARDOMANDE: un gioco psicologico da fare con le carte. ----- "Cards Boutique" offers decks of cards for introspective games. - Major arcana of tarot cards with modern illustrations - Female associative metaphoric cards - Masculine associative metaphoric cards - CARDEMAND > a psychological game to play with cards.

Playing Cards

FUN AND PSYCHO Tarots - Carte metaforiche associative MASCHILI - Tarocchi - Metaphorical associative cards for men

Playing Cards

FUN AND PSYCHO Tarots - Carte metaforiche associative FEMMINILI -- Tarocchi - Metaphorical associative cards for women

Playing Cards

REALISTIC and GLAM - TAROCCHI MODERNI -Tarots - Tarocchi - Arcanes Modernes - The major arcana of tarot cards with modern illustrations

Playing Cards


Playing Cards

CARDEMANDS & ANSWERS! Question&Answer TAROTS Metaphorical associative cards NEW VERSION!