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Tactful Disruption®

Are you seeking to elevate your distinctiveness and belonging? Our Oracle card decks allow you to confront your thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs by gaining the wisdom and energy you specifically seek. Just pull three cards to get your daily message. Let the image speak to you, and the words resonate for you. Allow intuition to introduce itself to you. No one knows you entirely as you do. Just as every message is unique - so are you. Our deck is just an opportunity to deepen your relationship with yourself. It's a tool for your self-development. Tactful Disruption, LLC™ is a digital mental health coaching and consulting practice that addresses intersections. We're a strategic resource at the intersection of mental health and career development. We advocate for military, millennials, and minorities seeking to elevate their distinctiveness and belonging in the workspace. Learn more at .tactfuldisruption.co

Playing Cards

Selfies© Oracle Deck

Playing Cards

Clarity© Skills Deck

Playing Cards

Subconscious Relief