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Finnish 27 ™ Turin Linna Playing Cards Shop Space

Kevin Michael McDaniel

This is a custom deck of playing cards. The suggested usage is. Enjoy entertainment. Play card games. The games belong to the Finnish 27 ™ family of table-card games. The instruction booklet reveals how to play. Have fun. Gamble. Each playing card bares Finnish style of indicia. Indicia are markings signifying rank and suit of any given playing card. Finnish style of indicia represent the suit of each playing card with markings selected from a group of markings consisting of the four French suits. The four French suits are spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds. With the exception of the Jokers, the Finnish style of indicia represents the rank of each playing card with markings consisting of numerals. The numerals are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. The ranks are King, Queen, Jack, and Ace are signified by the numbers 13, 12, 11, and 1 respectively. Jokers bare no numerical markings.

Playing Cards